Thursday 4 August 2011

Potty training, bad back and other random stuff

I was woken up at 9.15am by Corin shouting 'incy wincy spider'. I only hope that it was because of the nursery rhyme and not because there is a spider roaming around my flat (unless it is a small spider than keeps itself to itself and eats the flies, because I hate those too). Of course the weather had changed this morning from glorious sunshine to miserable rain, so my back felt as if someone had stamped on it :(

Corin wanted to use his potty today, and apart from accidentally tipping the contents out onto the hall floor (vinyl thankfully), and pooing on the floor because there was wee in the potty and he hadn't told me (which daddy was home to clear up) its all been pretty smooth sailing. Obviously bending down to pick up a potty isn't ideal with a bad back, but our toilet is quite high and Corin just doesn't feel very safe on it at the moment, even with a toilet seat insert, but he's been nappy free all morning and only has one on now because he's gone for a nap :)

I've got a meeting tonight with the J H Variety Performers. We're a locally based group that perform concerts to raise money for local charities, including the local cancer unit at Taunton Hospital, Hearing Dogs for The Deaf and Brainwave, who support children with brain injuries and help them to achieve their full potential through physio and conductive therapies. Once a year we do a show that runs for two evenings, and tonights meeting is to discuss ideas for next years show.

This is the majority of last years cast, in an official photo taken to promote the show in the local paper. I love singing, and do often end up being asked to sing solo parts, so hopefully I don't sound like the local tom cat at 3am!

Gonna leave this here for now, but may pop back later of anything really funny or interesting does happen!

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