Sunday 7 August 2011

Busy Weekend

Despite the week seeing busy with Corin, I honestly didn't feel like I stopped until this afternoon. Me and 2 others from the JH Variety Performers went to a fete with our 'lucky boxes' stall, which in short is a tombola. I was supposed to be running the hook-a-duck with other lady, but she hadn't made it, so I found myself putting rice into and then blowing up punchball balloons. I'm sure you know the sort, that they charge a fortune for at fairs and you're lucky if you can get them home without them going 'bang' and leaving your small child sobbing in fear and/or disappointment. Well, we were selling them at £1 each, and I thought I'll blow a few up (no balloon pump!) and hang them from the side of the table, not thinking that they would sell, because we hardly sold any at the last fete. How wrong can one person be. I blew up over 50 of the beggars! We had a few pop, but not many that I was aware of, but at one point I had about 5 children waiting while I blew the balloons up. People were saying to me 'Don't you get dizzy doing that?' and 'Oh, I couldn't blow one up without getting dizzy.' but I was honestly fine, just very tired last night, but its not something I would want to repeat in a hurry! On the plus size, we made over £50 on balloons, and one of the 'rules' of being in the JHVP is that every member contributes an equivalent of £50, be it via fundraising, or contributing goods or the money itself. I have now reached my commitment amount, and its only just the start of the fundraising season :)

Today we were at a Christening, and when we left I decided to nip up to Sainsbury's as we were running low on soft fruit (I always have fruit and fat-free yogurt for breakfast since starting Slimming World) and while in there I noticed they had a 1/2 price clothing sale. Now my trousers are all too loose, but I have been too paranoid to buy new smaller ones because if they didn't fit, it would probably be enough to make me give up, but there was a lovely pair of white linen mix trousers, reduced to £7, so I thought I'd buy them and just hope they would fit. There was no elastic in the waist either, which I usually go for, but decided to hope for the best. I paid for my shopping and went to leave, at which point I discovered the lovely sunshine I had left when I entered the store had turned into rain, thunder and lightening. Thank goodness I had my umbrella in my handbag, and the lovely lady on the lottery counter was kind enough to give me a plastic bag and and elastic band to cover the controller on my chair (which doesn't like getting wet!)
I got home without getting too drenched, and tried on the trousers and they fit, and there is a little room in them too, so hopefully I'm nicely on my way down to the next size :)

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the balloons, that is definately NOT something i could do, i hate the taste of them! lol. and well done on the weight loss, you look fab! :) xx
